MinXray offers the latest in portable x-ray and digital radiography equipment. Providing veterinary, medical, military and custom imaging solutions.
Physicians & Surgeons Equip & Supls-Mfrs The Owner of Minxray, Inc. is Keith Kretchmer Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Since 1967, MinXray, Inc. has been dedicated to providing compact, portable x-ray imaging equipment. Innovation, portability, durability and superior image quality define the foundation upon which MinXray stands. Our knowledge and expertise guarantees the very best x-ray equipment, custom designed for your specific needs.
MinXray portable x-ray and digital imaging systems are internationally recognized as the gold standard across a range of healthcare applications, including: nursing home and home health care imaging, small and large animal veterinary, military field operations, as well as other digital imaging applications. Used extensively in remote locations, global health, disaster response, and forensics, MinXray
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Minxray in Northbrook you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1978
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